My interests in fisheries were first sparked while reading Daniel Pauly's book "In a Perfect Ocean. The State of Fisheries and Ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean". One of his most famous terms is the "shifting baseline", which is the notion that each generation believes that the ecosystem from their childhood was more or less pristine, so it serves as a reference. This belief causes ecosystems to be continuously degraded and allows for lower and lower baselines to be created and considered natural.
Pauly is the founder and the Principal Investigator of the "Sea Around Us Project", who's aims 'are to provide an integrated analysis of the impacts of fisheries on marine ecosystems, and to devise policies that can mitigate and reverse harmful trends whilst ensuring the social and economic benefits of sustainable fisheries.'
This is a talk that Daniel Pauly gave at the International Marine Conservation Congress on May 20th, 2009. He briefly talks about his academic history and how he became a fisheries scientist and then discusses the current state of our fisheries.
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Cod, A biography of the fish that changed the world. By, Mark Kurlansky

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Taking a look at the environmental footprints that we have left behind as well as the road ahead.
Dr. Daniel Pauly- Toward a Conservation Ethic for the Sea: Steps in a Personal and Intellectual Odyssey
Posted by
on Wednesday, 11 November 2009
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- Kait
- I am a 20 something Canadian woman currently living in Vancouver. I am greatly interested in assisting in the search for solutions for global environmental sustainability. It's time we all took personal responsibility for the state of our environment.
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Cod, A biography of the fish that changed the world. By, Mark Kurlansky
Books of '11
- • Four Fish. By, Paul Greenberg
- • Environmental Law. By, Jamie Benidicson
- • Long Term Value Strategy for the Canadian Lobster Industry. By, Gardner Pinfold Market Research Associates
Books of '10
- • Fisheries Economics an introduction. By, Stephen Cunningham, Michael R. Dunn, and David Whitmarsh
- • Tar Sands. Dirty Oil and the Future of a Continent. By, Andrew Nikiforuk
- • Guns, Germs, and Steel. The Fates of Human Societies. By, Jared Diamond.
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Books of '09
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- • The Whale Warriors. The battle at the bottom of the world to save the planet's largest mammals. By, Peter Heller
- • In a perfect ocean. The state of fisheries and ecosystems in the north atlantic ocean. By, Daniel Pauly and Jay Maclean
- • The end of the line. How overfishing is changing the world and what we eat. By, Charles Clover
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